After a war, any war, rebuilding a country or lives had to be rough. In director James Kent’s post World World 11 drama The Aftermath (not to be confused to the 1982 Sci-Fi film of the same name) he tells a story of romance and drama in this post-war story that stars Keira Knightley, Jason Clarke and Alexander Skarsgard.
After the war in Hamburg Germany, people are gluing the city back together when British Colonel Lewis Kent is assigned to the task. He decides to bring his wife Rachael (Knightley) along. Things take a romantic turn as they prepare to take residence in their new home when Rachael discovers Lewis and her will be house sharing with the previous owner Stephen Lubert (Skarsgard) and his daughter.
While Lewis is out hard at work, Rachael and Stephen are hard at play and the truth finally gets out. There is lots of sneaking around romance and with Alex being shirtless that will get some ladies attention. The real story here is the aftermath of the shell shocked people sifting through the rebels for loved ones as they try to rebuild their lives. This story has been around for a while but even the strong cast can’t save this dud of a melo-drama. It tries hard to be something not even screenwriters Anna Waterhouse and Joe Shrapnel can build any excitement in. It opens everywhere March 29, 2019. But with the strong competition out there lets hope we at least give this 1946 war drama a chance. 2 Stars