Disney/Pixar has once again accomplished a gem with Incredibles 2, fourteen years after the first Incredibles was released. Writer/director Brad BIrd waited this long and the wait is worth it.
The movements from the drinks in the glass to the flowing hair in the wind are right on the money. The colors are eye capturing and this time, it’s all about Helen/Elastgirl (voiced by Holly Hunter) to the rescue. While Bob/Mr. Incredible (voice of Craig T. Nelson) sits home babysitting his three children and unaware of Jack Jack’s emerging superpowers, Elastgirl and Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) are out saving the world from a new villian that surfaces. The pixar animation are so believable. It’s amazing how far we’ve come with the art. This film opens nationwide June 15, 2018, is rated Pg and runs two hours. It also features the voices of Sarah Vowell as Violet, Huck Milner as Dash, Isabella Rossellini and Rob Odenkirk. 4 1/2 stars and now lets just hope it won’t be another decade or more for a third installment for this Incredible movie.