Zara Hayes’ Poms which opens everywhere May 10, 2019, tells the story of eight senior women in a Georgia retirement community just buying their time. There’s not much to do for fun and Martha (Diane Keaton) moved from New York to the Sun Springs Active Retirement Community in Georgia to keep to herself and die. The ladies are told they can form any club they wish just to pass the time. Some of the women decide on a cheerleading club, of all the things to come up with, and Martha is eventually talked into being part of the party.
So the pom pom party is a go with a hip hop artist (Carol Sutton) a baton twirler Alice (Rhea Pearlman), salsa dancer Pam Grier and a few more in the mix to complete the squad then it just gets ugly. One of the women’s grandson (Charlie Tahan) is there to add some young blood as their DJ and rookie driver. It’s teenager Alisha Boe that adds some spice as their drafted coach and it’s fun to see her go up against her stuck-up friends from her old squad. Although this is a so-so uplifting comedy, the script is nothing to cheer about as it is weak but maybe it was a take-it-or-leave-it job for these women. This STX film should sell some Mothers Day tickets and is worthy of a matinee. It also stars Bruce McGill and Alexandra Ficken. D