One thing is for sure. Tom Cruise has a good thing going with his Mission Impossible films .He has made tons of money and with him doing most of his own stunts it’s even more impossible to watch him place himself in mortal danger that way. But, hey, that’s Tom for you. In his sixth M I film, Cruise has a firm grip and has Hollywood at his command and Fallout is by far the best of all he has given us in that catagory.
In this latest edition Ethan Hunt (Cruise) and his IMF team pursue the ringleader Solomon Lane (Sean Harris) (see Rogue Nation) but gets free and in a deal that goes wrong, makes a trade to hand over three missing spheres of plutonium that are used for bigger bombs. His mission which of course he decides to accept, is to go after the mastermind at any cost and get it back. Ethan is sent by secretary Alan Huntly (Alex Baldwin) to retrieve the plutonium from the White Widow (Vanessa Kirby). However, CIA director Erica Sloane (Angela Bassett) throws a fast ball at Ethan and sends her top bad guy August Walker (Henry Cavill) to assassinate Him. There of course are death defying stunts like fast car chases, motorcycle races and jumping onto a building in which Cruise received a broken ankle for his own stunt work. The helicopter flight will make you queezy so take it easy on the popcorn or the person in front of you will be very unhappy.
Perhaps the best fight scene I have ever seen takes place in the men’s room between Cavill and Cruise. Whew! I’m worn out. This is going to be a huge summer blockbuster but doesn’t have much competition so consider it to tear up the box office when it opens 07/26/2018. No worries, Simon Pegg and Michelle Monaghan return for another paycheck. and maybe Cruise will return as Ethan Hunt a seventh time if the price is right. He must have one hell of an insurance policy after all. This is a Paramount pictures and Bad Robot production and is directed by Christoper McQuarrie. Running time is 2 1/2 hours and goes quicker than buttered popcorn. Grade A