Wow, the summer movie season is off and running. It’s like the Indy 500 with one movie competing and bumping the other out of place. That is mostly due to numerous movies hitting theaters weekly. Some geared for each generation the earth has populated. Some action, some comedy, some animated movies from the past brought back in live-action form. And then there are horror flicks. Octavia Spencer is trying a different twist in her resume with a new horror/thriller from Universal Pictures called MA.
The story centers around a group of young teens who just want someone to buy them booze so they can party. Eventually they are befriended by a middle-aged lonely woman, Sue Ann (Spencer) who one of the young teen boys nickname her “MA”. They are invited to her secluded house in the woods to party safely (and illegally). However, there are house rules of which they must abide by. One is hand over all car keys while there, two, they are required not to cuss. Three: no one getting drunk and lastly, no one ventures upstairs. Of course you know that will fall upon deaf ears.

This is where their paradise in Heaven goes straight to hell on Earth. Sue Ann works at a veterinarian office and having access to some powerful tranquilizers and dispenses them on her “patients”. The kids, find themselves in a horrific nightmare they can’t escape. MA has past psyco issues that brings out the horror/thriller in this movie by Tate Taylor who also plays the investigating officer when he pays Sue Ann a visit on a trashed property and numerous cars complaint. MA lures the kids into her venus flytrap where they can’t get home safe and even brands one of the boys with an iron and sews one of the girls’ mouth shut. Ouch! The story keeps getting juicer (finally after a slow start) when her hidden daughter (Tanyell Walvers) appears. This movie reminds me so much of Get Out and is a totally different take on horror movies and a new world for Spencer. The movie opens everywhere May 31, 2019. Hurry up and see MA and Get Home Safe before Godzilla and Rocketman take a bite out of it and send it on it’s way. The movie also stars Diana Silvers as Maggie, Juliette Lewis as Erica, McKaley Miller as Haley, Corey Fogelmanis as Andy and Dominic Burgess as Stu in addition to Luke Evans. 3 1/2 stars (out of 5).