Will Smith has had a few hit and misses in his career span. His last movie where he played the genie in Alladin (2019) was actually a good film although he was a cgi image. The 51 year-old actor keeps pushing on. Here we are in the fall movie season and Paramount has presented us humans again with him-twice in Gemini Man.
Smith plays agent Henry Brogan who has his eyes focused on retirement when he is targeted for a kill. He has no idea who, what or why until he figures out the culprit is a younger version of himself sent by Clive Owen who runs a shady organization referred to as Gemini aka twins. The entire movie is weird, goofy and downright corny intertwining footages from Smith’s past films making him appear young again thanks to the 120 per second frame photography director Ang Lee utilizes in a high-def format.
A new version of Harry seems necessary as he isn’t getting an younger plus he can make his mind to do what any person would want to do. No, we can’t have that so he is cloned into a super-human soldier minus any human feelings. Yes, you will see chases and motorcycle fights thanks to super technology and enough explosions to make John Wayne cringe. But the movie is just weird and very boring. Throughout much of the two hour film Danny Zakarweski (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and her pilot (Benedick Wong) are being pursued by Smith’s junior. Ooh my eyes. That double vision. Too much double play makes for a dull day at the movies. I wonder if Hollywood is slowly leaning toward more cgi films and fading out humans. What about the crew behind the scenes? Will they stay or be given a severance pay and go away? 2 star (out of 5)