I heard that Doctor Strange was being brought to the big screen a while back and at the same time I was concerned and at the same time, excited. I mean what else does the multi-billion Marvel industry have in the works? That we will wait and see, but we know some other marvelous creations are forth coming. That’s for sure.

Doctor Strange, directed by Scott Derrickson (Sinester) provides us with a mind-blowing 130 minutes in a strange kaleidoscope universe. Doctor Steven Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) is a renowed, successful proud neurosurgen who performs work with his lovely assistant nurse (Rachael McAdams). This all took a drastic turn for the worse as he was taking a spin in one of his fine rides while texting, has an accident and his hands are permanently unemployed. His career is over just like that. (Never text and drive).
As a last resort for a cure, he heard about a man who had the same similar mishap a while back and was miraculously healed. This leads him to consult with the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) across seas in Nepal to a hidden world of mind altering dimensions.
Doctor Strange learns the mind-over-matter ways of fighting to save the world from Kathmandu back in the states. Every character rose to the occasion in this film but I believe the villian Kaecillius (Mads Mikkelson) was not that interesting, however he got his name out there. Although this film has some boring moments mixed in with with the excitement, I was tickled pink to see the Doctor in the spotlight. Sequel? Two years or so down the line? Maybe. This is a setup for bigger things forthcoming in the MCU. 4 stars (out of 5). Stay for the post credits.