That’s right. Everything good and bad seems to come in threes. Secret service agent Mike Banning (Gerald Butler) plays the good guy again then gets framed for the attempted assassination attempt of President Trumbull (Morgan Freeman) in the same-ol-same-ol action flick that started out with Olympus Has Fallen then London Has Fallen and now he has to deal with being on the wrong side of his agency until he can figure out the who-done-it-part in the third installment of the franchise in Angel Has Fallen. You know he shall excell in that endeavor. The film starts out with drones taking down all the secret service babysitting the President on a fishing trip with Banning heading the operation. Both him and the President recover in the hospital and with Banning being the lone survivor of the assault, he becomes the prime suspect and is hauled away in a van as in the likes of Harrison Ford in The Fugitive.
The van wrecks, he escapes and runs to the safest place he knows. His dad’s wilderness house. Mike just wants to retire as he bears the from his years in service but of course that can’t happen or after this round maybe it should. He pulls together all his tricks and meets up with his dad after many years of no-call-no-shows. This is where the movie picks up speed, the tension level increases and with the lead investigator (Jada Pinkett Smith) hot on the trail along with all the bad guys, we have ourselves an action flick that will have many wondering why another. All I can and will say is with Mike’s dad (Nick Nolte), the one and only with an unforgettable mug shot in a blast from the recent past, completely stealing the show, you will understand his background from the previous two. Morgan Freeman can do no wrong in any of his works even in narration. He does wonderful here as a President. Will we see Banning in action again down the road? Money will tell. The film opens everywhere Friday August 23. 3/5